
React binding to @labir/core

This package provides fundamental integration of @labir/core in React:

  • context and hooks for @labir/core classes
  • hooks for creation of buttons, dropdowns & modals that will controll the @labir/core internal state
  • three specific UI components for thermal imaging: Histogram, ThermalRange ThermalInastance

See @labir/core documentation to understand the general contept (structure and properties).

Foundation for final UIs

This package creates the main logic and bindings to the @labir/core. But the final UI needs to be implemented in a particular SCSS framework. We have the following implamentations:

  • @labir/tailwind - TailwindCSS & NextUI
  • @labir/emotion - @emotion/react

Components in those packages use hooks from @labir/react-bridge to handle the logic, but the styling is done individually.

Only three specific components are provided by this package. Their styling is inline and absolutely isolated from any other CSS that might appear on the page.